Ram Air Fairing is dedicated to developing aerodynamic solutions for various sports, unlocking the potential for enhanced performance in fast-moving activities dealing with wind. Inspired by the desire to improve cycling aerodynamics, our founder, a professional paraglider, sought to merge the principles of paragliding with cycling to reduce resistance and elevate the riding experience. Despite initial setbacks, our team persevered, iterating through prototypes until unveiling RAF 1, backed by rigorous experimentation.

More than just a product, Ram Air Fairing represents a commitment to delivering genuine performance enhancements and pioneering innovation. With a focus on continual development, we aim to expand our impact beyond cycling to revolutionize performance in skateboarding, electric skateboarding, motorcycles, skiing, and beyond, one innovation at a time.

  • Calvin Ku

    A University of Calgary graduate and professional paragliding pilot, Calvin is the product initiator and brand founder. His passion for aerodynamics drives innovative product development by merging aviation principles with broader applications.

  • Wang Qiang

    With degrees from Northwestern Polytechnical University and Cranfield University, Wang specializes in aeronautics and systems engineering. He brings extensive experience in UAV design and drone projects, ensuring cutting-edge technology integration as a technical expert in the RAF Project.

  • James Wen

    With 22 years of experience in sports equipment manufacturing, James oversees high-quality production processes. His expertise ensures top-notch products that meet industry standards and align with the brand's vision.